Shallow Dives into Deep Subjects by a Self-Aware Millennial

Purple SnowFlake


A term that describes a blue-state-coastal-elite-millennial who finds herself Choosing to live in red states, perhaps against her better judgment.


so Who Cares?

Well, nobody yet but maybe someday they will. The Purple Snowflake is about having a platform to discuss issues, annoyances, celebrations and quirk in a plain-speaking, no bull shit way. I'm not perfect. Neither is this website. It's about taking a step in the right direction, finding out more about important topics, and sharing experiences that will bring people together in an ever-increasingly divided world. 

Because I'm angry, sometimes, about seemingly silly things.

Because I'm angry, sometimes, about seemingly silly things.

Everyday Rants

Life can be frustrating. Whether it's finding women's clothing with pockets or the inability to grasp the appeal of the 'brunch buffet'. Or men wearing tank tops in nice restaurants. Or at all. There are a lot of big, consequential battles we could fight these days, but lets not forget the petty ones as well. 

Because I'm a patriot with a strong sense of public service. 

Because I'm a patriot with a strong sense of public service. 

Political thoughts

As a politics junkie, I vascillate between paralyzing fear and tearing all my hair out on a daily basis nowadays. Here's an outlet for that. Keep up with political news, who's trolling who on Twitter, and what you sould be afraid of on my politics page. 

Because bacon is life and those who say otherwise are liars. 

Because bacon is life and those who say otherwise are liars. 

Living Life As Best Ya Can

Do I have style? Yup. Do I have money? Nope. Do I feel like I have any leg to stand on giving lifestyle advice? Probably not. But that's never stopped anyone on the internet before so here is my views on living life the best ya can, having fun whenever ya can and looking good doing it.