I am a snowflake. Somewhat Unique, oft Romanticized, comically Fragile and more often than not, in Meltdown mode. I Go where the wind Blows me and Merely Sustaining My Existence seems to take up a lot of my time. 

I am Maria Elena & this is my world

About Me

I'm a 25 year old Millennial woman - College Educated, strong-Willed, Quick witted & not Great at Keeping my Opinions to myself. I don't quite know yet what I'm doing with my life But each day I get A little Bit closer. 

By nature I am a Blue-State-Bleeding-Heart-Liberal-Coastal-Elite. But by Choice I am, and have been for Most of my young adult life, a red state resident. I live in a state of purple.

I choose to live my life outside the safe-spaces and liberal bubbles of many of my friends & Family Because, I love an uphill battle & Because, Frankly, self-righteous indignation becomes me.

I have come to find the nuance in some of life's most pressing questions Surrounded by complex characters, Great Food, Gratuitous Booze, Powerful Music & All kinds of Love. This Site is a celebration of just that.