Do or Die, Truth and Lies - This is the way democracy ends - 3.23.17

Devin Nunes gives political cover to President Trump at a news conference on 3/22 re: Wire 'tapp'-gate. This plan will eventually backfire on him. Just you wait. 

Devin Nunes gives political cover to President Trump at a news conference on 3/22 re: Wire 'tapp'-gate. This plan will eventually backfire on him. Just you wait. 

It’s a Slow News Day on 3/23/17....


Today, on the 7th anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act by President Obama, it looks like Republicans on Capitol Hill are scrambling to get the votes they need to pass the AHCA and take away millions of people’s health insurance so that rich people can finally get the tax break they deserve. Last count had 30 Republican defections, but who knows what kind of deals can go on in a day. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Trump gives an interview with Michael Scherer of Time about truth and falsehoods that is one of the more terrifying glimpses into the deranged mind of the leader of the free world. The few complete coherent thoughts he seems to put together in his typical word-salad responses seem to boil down to: (1) he won in a huuuge landslide and he's the president now so that means he must be doing okay; (2) he predicted Brexit a lot because he is a 'very instinctual person, and [his] instinct turns out to be right; (3) he can’t be held responsible for quoting false statements or stories from ‘very reliable news sources’ like that time he suggested that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assasination (“Well, that was in the newspaper.”...that newspaper was the National Enquirer btw); and finally (4) he will eventually be proven right on each and every count just like he always is (e.g. “Sweden!”). He can make things happen just by willing it to be so! 

Comforting, really.

Oh yeah and let us not forget this whole “Wiretap” ordeal - look it was in quotes (in one of the many tweets)- and as we all know, Trump is a notorious grammar snob especially when it comes to wire 'tapp'-gate. Punctuation is very important to him. SAD! So you can't take him literally, just seriously. So yesterday in the ongoing saga, the chairman of the House Intelligence Community ran around giving press access and speaking with the president about his ‘anonymous sources’ that told him that he may have been compromised in ‘incidental collection’ during the transition which the rest of the intelligence community knew nothing about. Trump feels “somewhat vindicated” but I feel…..concerned about who he was in communication with that would have had merited a FISA warrant. Better start brushing up on my Russian. Of course, for me, this all comes on the heels of me beginning to watch the series “The Americans” (I know, I know, a little late to the game). I couldn’t sleep last night thinking about the possible KGB undercovers with security clearance. Chilling.

Can't wait for what new infuriating and confusing news awaits us over the next 24 hours!