Come Health or High Water 2.24.17

[Short post today but hey I’m writing this sitting in my idling car outside of my waitress job so cut me a fucking break will you, I’m trying:]

Just talking about 'girl stuff' you know. 

Just talking about 'girl stuff' you know. 

After a shitstorm of a Thursday, rife with closed door meetings, pleadings and ultimatums on the AHCA (God Bless You!), today is apparently the day that the house will finally vote on the master plan to repeal and go fuck yourself--I mean repeal and replace-- Obamacare.

Negotiations ensued to scrap essential benefits like maternity care, mental health care, hospital visits, doctor visits, and basically anything healthcare related in order to appease House Freedom Caucus members, which in turn further alienated Republican moderates looking at tough races in 2018. Procedural votes have already started this morning, with the make or break votes coming later this afternoon.

But HEY LADIES good news! No need to worry about not being able to access silly things like maternity care or ensuring that you don’t have to pay more for insurance than your male counterparts under the AHCA (gesundheit!) because a board room full of slices of  white bread penis-wielding DC Republican’s have got your back so we can go back to making them sandwiches and appreciating all that they do to provide for us.

OH yeah and remember that Keystone Access Pipeline? Remember how many jobs and how much American Steel this XL pipeline was going to provide? Well, turns out after all is said and done, not much of the steel is going to be American and at the end of the day, the pipeline will employ a whopping 35 people.

Are we tired of winning yet?

Maria Elena Smith