"That Was Some Weird Shit" 3.30.17


It's a new day in America when suddenly I find myself smiling whenever George W. Bush's name is in the news. First it was the secret Michelle Obama / Dubya friendship revealed at the opening of the Smithsonian Museum of African American history. Then it was his painting and delightful book tour in which he was folksy and charmsy on all the morning shows. Now, it's his apparent remark after hearing Trump's 'American Carnage' inauguration speech. 

That was some weird shit, George. 

God, I miss that guy. He wasn't that bad, was he? Folksy, that's what he was. 

So what weird shit is going on today?

The Senate has taken the reins on the Russia investigation and has begun hearings as of today. Currently opening statements are being made. The House investigation is paralyzed by politics and appears to be going nowhere. 

Our buddy Putin gave a rare interview. When asked about the Russian interference, he responded with "Read my lips: No." Which is funny because, aesthetically speaking, Putin's lips always appear to be sliding towards his chin in constant peril of disappearing into the folds of his neck. Just sayin'. 

The President's daughter got the job! She did it! Well, she moved into a West Wing office, got security clearance and 'volunteered' to abide by ethics rules that the White House apparently feels that she has no legal obligation to abide by. And now, she is an official government employee with a title (Assistant to the President), without a salary (who needs it), and still not divested from her business interests. Because, who needs ethics.