What's scaring us this week? 3.29.17

In the Trump era, each day brings with it new and exciting opportunities to be terrified by a myriad of threats facing each and every one of us every single day. Especially, if like me, you were not fortunate enough to be born a white, wealthy, man.

There are so many scaries to choose from but who's got the time to agonize over all of them? So here's what's scaring me this week: 


Well folks, start buying property in Kansas because it'll be beach front real estate sooner than you think. After years of progress on climate change, the Trump administration, via an executive order signed this week, has rolled back Obama era regulations on clean power in the hopes of bringing back COAL jobs. The problem? Doesn't look like coal jobs coming back are really even a thing...and will probably cause more deaths than jobs. 


During the last few months of the Obama administration, the Federal Communications Commission put in place protections that ensured that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) had to ask permission before sharing your information with companies. Well, say bye-bye to control over your personal data online. Now it's out to the highest bidder. 


And questionably, members of the Trump Administration.

Chair of the House Intel Committee, Devin Nunes, seems to think that they could have 'snuck into the White House' in the dark of night without anyone noticing but instead in the light of day went to brief the subject of a FBI investigation on his super secret information. The intel Nunes went to the White House to get was so secret that not even the intelligence community or fellow committee members know what it was about. Also Nunes was an advisor to the Trump team during the transition. Dems calling for recusal, R's standing by Nunes. The House investigation is at a standstill. 

Enter, the adults. The Senate is moving forward on this investigation, and at this posting, had called 20 people to testify as a part of this investigation into Russian election meddling and ties to the Trump campaign. 

Also kudos to this lone House Republican to put country over party and call for the recusal of Devin Nunes in the Russia investigaiton. 

That's it for today, folks. Happy nightmares! :)